Speed of Trust: Trust Action cards

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Speed of Trust: Trust Action cards


Published as part of the Franklin Covey series on Leading at the Speed of Trust™, this card deck is intended for use in an interactive workshop that engages leaders in the work of identifying and closing the trust gaps that exist in their organization. The cards show a range of actions you can take to build trust. The deck breaks down different “what do I do when...” scenarios such as “...the boss doesn’t trust me,” “there’s bad publicity,” and “I feel misunderstood.” For each scenario, appropriate action cards are recommended. These action cards include: Keep Commitments, Talk Straight, Show Loyalty, Right Wrongs, and Listen First.

Contains: 13 action cards, 4 cores of credibility cards, 3 speed of trust talks cards, a index card, and instructions card

UNFORTUNATELY NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE - Deckaholic.com receives dozens of request for these cards every month. I have made numerous attempts to contact the authors and publishers but have not found any way for these to be purchased. If you find a way, please let us know so we can share this with the community.




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